<aside> đź’ˇ This activity page should act within Operating Principles and adapt with experience.


Einstein famously wrote: “I have all along been standing on the shoulders of giants.” So has our CEO.

From a strictly moral point of view, no one deserves a reward for being born luckier than someone else.


How does this activity use ?

In my experience, if I do not have a nest egg that affords me financial freedom, I am at the behest of rich people or the state.

I can only describe my experience following the whim of the rich or bureaucracies as “soul crushing.”

That’s not to say I need to do some shady business to reach financial freedom. The government prints trillions of dollars, so why shouldn’t I be able to work toward a basic income in a way that promotes all my and works within my Operating Principles?

Many activities, like Raising Happy Children, also require cash, so I should probably have a basic income that affords me to do the activities I want to do (fancy objects like Teslas are against my Operating Principles, so my interests are not lavish!)

What is my basic income?

MIT'S Living Wage Calculator suggests I need about $45,000 per year if I want to make a living wage that supports 2 children with my partner also working. Let's add $10,000 for randomness. I would therefore need about $3M to live for 50 more years. As soon as I have $3M in my bank, I can focus on other activities that Satisfies Life Ambitions.

How will I achieve my basic income?

From what successful entrepreneurs have told me, achieving a basic income is best done when you have one focus. I am currently working on My Ethical Business.

What will I work on**?**

Everything I do must work within my Operating Principles. Here is an example of How I Vet Work. All of the work must also apply to my Schedule In order to maximize time for other .

Additional Information

My path to a basic income is sometimes logged in my . Also Checkout My Ethical Business

And Basic Income Nest Eggs - both areas of constant adaptation.

No matter how long the pursuit toward a basic income takes, I hope my journey provides valuable lessons for others who hope to reach their own financial freedom.

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