My friends are like family, but Strengthening My Family is a different value. What makes friends different than family? Primarily, governments define friends and family differently (friends don’t automatically inherit my wealth). Also, societal norms place friends in a less preferred state when push comes to shove. I would like to think of myself as above societal norms, but I haven’t really had the chance to choose a friend over a family member.

To be a friend, all someone really has to do is be willing to call me on my bullshit and invest the time in me as I hope I invest the time in all of them. I strive to be friends with everyone because I don’t think I can meet enough people in the world who will invest time in me to the point that a friend does. That said, I won’t be friends with people that want to harm or use me for selfish gain. I also will stop spending time with anyone that doesn’t benefit from our friendship.

What can a friend expect from me? I think Aristotle had the best definition of frienship:

True friends wish the good of each other. Their friendship lasts as long as they are themselves good and is therefore more enduring.

In other words, all a friend can and should expect is mutual respect.