<aside> đź’ˇ From February 2022-Aug 2023, this was my Schedule (CST). It helped me get focused. I now have a new document for mySchedule
To ensure my progress and health, I work inside the following schedule (coming back to a problem leads to better results):
M-Th Work Schedule:*
09:00-12:00.. Commissioned* / Sponsored Time
12:00-01:00.. Tasty Healthy Satisfaction
01:00-02:00.. Co-Working + Office Hours
02:00-07:00.. Equalify Development
Friday: Unscheduled time, largely devoted to my own housekeeping (ie-bills) and meetin’ w/ 11:11 Philosophers. See Schedule.
Scheduling: Mondays, I do “Week Ahead” scheduling and reviews. 11-12 is Commissioned* / Sponsored Time review/scheduling, 1:00-1:30 is Decubing Web Services, 2:00-2:30 is for Equalify review/scheduling.
Vacation and Holidays: Any time with the knowledge that working on what I care about makes me much happier than doing nothing, but I sometimes need to do nothing to remember my priorities. (2022 vacation days taken: 6.)
All other times: Rest, play, wonder, wander, write... anything but work.
*Any of the times can be moved around within a week. IE, If I have to do something on Monday from 02:00 - 07:00, that block of work can be moved to Friday.
**Any collaborators or employees can reach me for anything that is blocking them anytime gia Signal. I will try to respond as soon as I can. Otherwise, I will respond to communication (emails, slacks, discords, …) during office hours. Messages are quiet when I am sleeping. See Schedule.