<aside> 💡 This activity page should act within Operating Principles and adapt with experience.


How does this activity use ?

Healthy social media use leads to Intellectual Expansion and my heart is widened to greater world issues, pushing me to work on Strengthening Society. I also use social media to stay up on what my friends are up to.. +1 for Strengthening Friendships and the crazy stuff from all colors of people is rather Playful. Some biz is done on Twitter with various Equalify and Decubing Web Services promotions (+1 for Ethical Business) and I’m also cultivating my 11:11 community through the tools (Satisfies Life Ambitions).

Social Media Operating Principles

This area is for task lists, schedules, inspirations, and references, ...

I have to be careful with my time on social media as it can take away from Eudaimonic values like Sun Enjoyment. To limit my time, I follow these operating principles:

  1. Never post or like maxims. Great truths are best journaled about.
  2. Only follow people I’ve had 1-on-1 contact with.
  3. Add news sources, gurus, and inspirations to lists or the equivalent of lists.
  4. If I think someone might become a close contact, I follow them and then turn on alerts every time they post. If they say things that don’t push toward making a 1-on-1 connection or if they don’t reply when I reach out to them, I turn off their alerts and move them to lists.
  5. I will largely repost and like things that come from my lists and friend group. I will also post news on projects I am working on and general inspirations. The goal of every post is to develop a larger community of contacts so I can find more interesting information to follow.
  6. I’ve added Social Media to Schedule, after ODing on all out Twitter consumption.

Finally, I’ve decided that I’m not going to be an influencer. There is a good cost/time/autonomy play with becoming an influencer. But that would require me turning my identity into a brand. I’m not interested in that. I am interested in building wealth through Twitter, so I’ll apply influencer magic to @decubing(for sustenance) and @1111philo (for donations) - hopefully I can cut out the decubing part when I reach $3M.

My Social Media Accounts

Signal (+1 504-377-3650) - rarely on

Even though I use Signal, I believe all information should be open. That’s one of my key Operating Principles. However, friends like @Matthew Cheney and Arthur only chat via encrypted messaging services like Signal. There are also other techno-focused people who seem more inspired to talk there than in other places. For that reason, I consider Signal a social media app.



Twitter - went to the dogs


